Sermon Recap
Pastor Jeff Davis | July 11, 2021 | 1 John
The first epistle of John speaks of the relationship between God, Jesus, and man. As we begin our study in 1 John, we read of the blessings that true followers receive and the joy in fellowshipping with each other. To have a relationship with God, is to live with God – that is, to seek Him, to fellowship with Him, and to commune with God. John 17:17 proclaims “Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth,”and through all of these commitments and actions with God, we may walk in the light and live out the truth!
Register for Freeway Foundations
and get to know about the church beliefs and functions
on July 25th at 9AM (virtual) or 12:45 (in-person)
Register here:
Worship this Sunday @ CPC Fellowship Hall
On July 18 , we will gather together for indoor worship at 11:15AM in the Fellowship Hall at Clemson Presbyterian Church. To access the Fellowship Hall, please enter the building from the Vineyard road access turn, closest to the First Citizens Bank. If you cannot join us in person, please join us online via Facebook Live!
Address: 346 Old Greenville Hwy, Clemson, SC 29631
On July 18 , we will gather together for indoor worship at 11:15AM in the Fellowship Hall at Clemson Presbyterian Church. To access the Fellowship Hall, please enter the building from the Vineyard road access turn, closest to the First Citizens Bank. If you cannot join us in person, please join us online via Facebook Live!
Address: 346 Old Greenville Hwy, Clemson, SC 29631
Additionally, we will continue to utilize basic COVID protocols during the service for the health and safety of the entire FreeWay church family. Please make every effort to adhere to these guidelines:
· If you are feeling sick, please stay home
· If you are not vaccinated, please wear a face covering
· Those that are vaccinated are free to continue wearing face coverings
· Limit social interactions, such as close distances and hugging
· Sanitizer stations and extra masks will be available at each service
Greetings FreeWay Church Family,
Our outdoor services at Patrick Square have provided a unique place to hold our Sunday worship services as we navigated the challenges derived from the pandemic. We are grateful to all of you that have withstood the frequent schedule and climate changes during this difficult time. As soaring temperatures are now upon us, after prayerful consideration, we have decided to return to indoor worship in the fellowship hall of Clemson Presbyterian Church beginning this Sunday, July 11, 2021.
While the move provides some obvious benefits, there will be some changes that are necessary as we share space with another congregation. Initially, the primary change is that we will have to move the service start time to 11:15AM as that is the earliest we can access the space and set up all the audio visual equipment.
Additionally, we will continue to utilize basic COVID protocols during the service for the health and safety of the entire FreeWay church family. Please make every effort to adhere to these guidelines:
· If you are feeling sick, please stay home
· If you are not vaccinated, please wear a face covering
· Those that are vaccinated are free to continue wearing face coverings
· Limit social interactions, such as close distances and hugging
· Sanitizer stations and extra masks will be available at each service
We will continue to stream service through Facebook Live and recordings will be posted to the FreeWay website and podcast. Please be patient as we are trying to get those posts caught up and available within a couple of days of Sunday’s service.
I know this is another time of transition for our church. I am so proud of how we have not allowed these changes to affect our service and outpouring of love for one another. This should be the last time we have to change service locations as we are expecting to begin renovations on our permanent church home in Central within the month.
We will continue our work toward the realization of our vision, understanding that true freedom in Christ begins with service. I am eager to see how God continues to bless His people.
Now Faith,
Pastor Jeff Davis
FreeWay Prayer Calls
At all times, prayer is critical to our walk with Christ, and that remains even more true now as we confront unprecedented turmoil and uncertainty. FreeWay is offering daily prayer calls via Zoom Monday through Friday at 10am. This is an opportunity for the FreeWay Family to share prayer requests, encouraging words, and pray together for one another, our church, our community, and our world. The FreeWay Prayer Call will be hosted by one of our pastors each weekday and is offered to everyone.
Join us by visiting the following link:
Wednesday Night LifeGroup
Join our online Wednesday night LifeGroup each Wednesday night at 7:00pm. During this time, we will engage in an intimate discussion of God’s Word. This online offering is open to everyone.
Join us by visiting the following Zoom link: